速報APP / 健康塑身 / Tinnitus Hyperacusis suppress

Tinnitus Hyperacusis suppress





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Tinnitus Hyperacusis suppress(圖1)-速報App

Tinnitus Hyperacusis suppressor DEMO

This application emit a very low sound frequence that may help in reducing hear ringing and whistle effects caused by tinnitus hyperacusis disease.

Connect quality headphones to your phone and start the sound pressing the START button, when you having hyperacusis episode.

A non-hearable low frequence will be played for 30 seconds.

Try if helps and reduce the whistle.

This sound has been realized into recording studio, by professional audio technicians with the consultant of hyperacusis patients.

Tinnitus Hyperacusis suppress(圖2)-速報App

Note: It may not work for ALL kind of hyperacusis,

you can try this DEMO version where you have

to start the whistle suppressor every 30 seconds

pressing the button.

If it works for you, you may consider purchasing the PRO edition: Tinnitus Hyperacusis Suppressor Pro that keep a continuous playback.

This program is provided "as is" without any warranty as software general EULA.

Tinnitus Suppressor (c) 2011 - Tecworks